Post-Op Instructions

Scaling and Root Planing
Mild to moderate discomfort of the gums is to be expected immediately following periodontal therapy. The discomfort is usually described as a "soreness" lasting no more than a day or two. Over the counter ibuprophen and warm salt water rinses will help to alleviate. Good hygiene as instructed and use of prescribed rinses will return the gums to proper health.

Root Canal Therapy
Mild to moderate discomfort after root canal therapy is not uncommon. Avoid eating hard food in the area of the tooth/teeth that are in treatment. Take pain medications if prescribed. Follow up treatment with a post and ceramic crown will strengthen the tooth after root canal therapy.
Bite down on gauze pad for 30 minutes. If bleeding persists bite down on another gauze pad for an additional 30 minutes. Repeat as necessary. Do not rinse mouth today. Tomorrow rinse gently every 3-4 hours, especially after meals with warm salt water. Continue rinses for several days. If there is swelling in the area, apply cold compress over affected area on and off for 2-3 hours. For mild to moderate pain use over the counter ibuprofen. Take any prescription pain medications as prescribed. A light, soft diet is recommended for the first 24 hours. Avoidance of the area is recommended.

It is common for a tooth to be slightly sensitive for a few days after placement of a new restoration such as a crown, inlay or filling. With time the symptoms will subside. In the case of prolonged discomfort, return to the office for an evaluation.

It is common for a tooth to be slightly sensitive for a few days after placement of a new restoration such as a crown, inlay or filling. With time the symptoms will subside. In the case of prolonged discomfort, return to the office for an evaluation.

Composite Filling
It is common for a tooth to be slightly sensitive for a few days after placement of a new restoration such as a crown, inlay or filling. With time the symptoms will subside. In the case of prolonged discomfort, return to the office for an evaluation.

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